Do you know how to do Checkmate with Double Rook ??
Double Rook Checkmate is one of the basic and easy checkmates among all the checkmates. Double Rook checkmate is also known as Lawnmover mate or Bicycle Checkmate.
There are mostly 3 important rules to follow for this type of mate. In this type , we mostly don't use the king to do the mate because we have both rooks on board.
1) Both rooks cannot be on the same file(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) or same rank(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).
2)Cut the Space with one Rook and try to give a check with another rook.
3)When king is attacking the rook then try to support another rook or you can move away far from the king in the same file or same rank otherwise king will move to that king.
Checkmating with two Rooks is very similar to checkmating with the Queen and Rook. However, it may take a little longer to checkmate with the two Rooks because the King is able to attack them more than it can attack the Queen. This is the position you should be aiming for to checkmate the enemy King with two Rooks:
The Rook confines the King to the edge of the board and the other Rook delivers checkmate.
Let's put the King in the middle of the board. The King must now be driven to the edge before the checkmate can be delivered. | |
1. Ra5+ | |
1. ...Kd6 2. Rb6+ | |
2. ...Kc7 3. Raa6 | |
3. ...Kd8 4. Rb7 | |
3. ...Kc8 4. Raa7 | |
3. ...Kd8 4. Rb8# | |
Practice checkmating with two Rooks against a King with a friend or chess computer until you are confident of delivering checkmate in this way.
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