
Showing posts from July, 2020

Don't Become a Fool in Chess!! # Blog 9(B)

 Tricky and Fool's  checkmates   are the main theme of this article. And we are going to start with the funniest checkmate among of them all The two move checkmate or the Fool’s mate -  Let’s look at these checkmates that are standard           1st-time player mates to learn. The two move checkmate – The Fool’s mate This first simple mate (and actually entire GAME) we’re going to learn is titled “Fool’s Mate” because “only a fool would make such moves”!  It is the fastest possible checkmate where the entire game lasts only TWO MOVES! 1. f3   e5; 2. g4   Qh4# FOOL'S MATE We can observe that there are several conditions that need to be for the Fool’s mate to happen: White’s g pawn has to be on g4, in order not to be able to block the check of the Black Queen. White’s f pawn has to be on f3 or f4, in order for the e1-h4 diagonal to be clear. White’s king has to be hemmed in by his own pieces. For instance, if ther...

Lucas Clinched the 4th Kolkata Chess Classic Online Blitz Championship 2020 !!

IM Lucas Liascovich P.c:todoapulmo International Master Lucas Liascovich from Argentina dominate the 4th Edition of  Kolkata Chess Classic Online Blitz on 14th July 2020. This is the 4th edition of Kolkata Classic organized by Garihat Chess Club and the event was Supported by Chess Needs. IM Lucas grabs the 1st position with a score of 58 which was enough for as he was 4 point ahead of his next competitor which was Grand Master Dusan Popovic from Russia settled for 2nd position and 3rd  position Secured by Grand Master Diptayan Ghosh with 51 Points. Altogether 129 Players have participated in this event from different parts of India along with 6 different countries i.e Argentina, Russia, Serbia, Nepal, and Srilanka. With the Presence of more than 20 titled players with Highest Elo rated player was Diptayan Ghosh From India with a rating of 2541 making this event a more competitive and successful one. The event was Played in an arena format with a time control of 5 mi...